Product 产品 Amount 合计

Remark 备注
若预订时间少于 24 小时,商家无法保证订单的完整性,并将以相同价格的商品替换。亲爱的客户,请提前预订。

If the booking time is less than 24 hours, the merchant cannot guarantee the integrity of the order and will replace it with an item of the same price. Dear customer, you are advised to book in advance.

Subtotal 总数 : RM 0.00

Kueh 糕点

  • All 全部
  • Vege 素食
  • Non-Vege 非素食

Glutinous Rice Cake 糯米糕 (素食)

Rm 1.60 / ps

RM 0.00 /

Glutinous Rice 糯米糕

Rm 1.60 / ps

RM 0.00 /

Glutinous Rice (Pork) 糯米糕 (猪肉)

Rm 2.00 / ps

RM 0.00 /

Mangguang (Spicy) 芒光糕 (辣味)

Rm 1.60 / ps

RM 0.00 /

Mangguang (Original) 芒光糕 (原 味)

Rm 1.60 / ps

RM 0.00 /

Chives 韭菜糕

Rm 1.60 / ps

RM 0.00 /

Fried Vegetable Cracker 炸菜饼

Rm 1.60 / ps

RM 0.00 /

Yam Cake 芋头糕

Rm 2.00 / ps

RM 0.00 /

Fried Yam 炸芋头

Rm 2.00 / ps

RM 0.00 /

Fried Carrot Cake 炸萝卜糕

Rm 2.00 / ps

RM 0.00 /

Fried Poh Pia 炸薄饼

Rm 2.00 / ps

RM 0.00 /

Angku (Green Bean Paste) 红龟糕 (绿豆馅)

Rm 1.30 / ps

RM 0.00 /

Angku (Salty Bean Paste) 红龟糕 (咸豆馅)

Rm 1.30 / ps

RM 0.00 /

Angku (Yam) 红龟糕 (芋头)

Rm 1.30 / ps

RM 0.00 /

Angku (Peanut) 红龟糕 (花生)

Rm 1.30 / ps

RM 0.00 /

Angku (Coconut) 红龟糕 (椰丝)

Rm 1.30 / ps

RM 0.00 /

Kuih Lapis 九层糕

Rm 1.30 / ps

RM 0.00 /

Seri Muka 青米

Rm 1.30 / ps

RM 0.00 /

Ang Pau 红包

Rm 1.30 / ps

RM 0.00 /

Dadar (Egg Ingredients) 青条 (鸡蛋成份)

Rm 1.30 / ps

RM 0.00 /

Rice Sponge Cake 白糖糕

Rm 1.30 / ps

RM 0.00 /

Curry Puff (Egg Ingredients) 咖喱角(鸡蛋成份)

Rm 1.30 / ps

RM 0.00 /

Pulut Panggang 烘烤糯米

Rm 1.30 / ps

RM 0.00 /

Traditional Cake (Egg Ingredients) 古早味蛋糕(鸡蛋成份)

Rm 1.10 / ps

RM 0.00 /

Sweet Lotus Biscuit 豆沙饼 (甜)

Rm 1.40 / ps

RM 0.00 /

Salty Dao Sar Biscuit 豆沙饼 (咸)

Rm 1.40 / ps

RM 0.00 /

Dumpling 肉粽

[10pcs per Box10粒一盒装]

RM 75.00 / 10 ps

Dumpling (Salted Egg) 肉粽 (咸蛋)

[10pcs per Box10粒一盒装]

RM 95.00 / 10 ps

Brown Sugar Huat Kuih 椰糖发糕

3 Days Pre-Order Required 需要提前三天预订

RM 0.00 /

Huat Kuih 鸡蛋发糕

3 Days Pre-Order Required 需要提前三天预订

RM 0.00 /

Red Huat Kuih 红发糕

3 Days Pre-Order Required 需要提前三天预订

RM 0.00 /

Main Course 主食

  • All 全部
  • Vege 素食
  • Non-Vege 非素食

Mee Rebus 爪哇面

RM 8.80 / Serving

Vietnam Fried Noodles 越南炒面

RM 8.50 / Serving

Cha Kuih 炒萝卜糕

RM 8.50 / Serving

Rojak 罗惹

RM 8.50 / Serving

Mee Siam 米暹

RM 8.50 / Serving

Lontong 隆冬

RM 8.80 / Serving

Nasi Lemak 椰浆饭

RM 9.50 / Serving

Teo Chew Char Kway Teow 潮式炒粿条

RM 9.50 / Serving

Chicken Hor Fun 鸡丝河粉

RM 9.80 / Serving

Hokkien Shrimp Mee 福建炒虾面

RM 9.50 / Serving

Laksa 叻沙

RM 9.80 / Serving

Dessert 甜点

  • All 全部

Red Bean Soup 红豆汤

RM 3.30 / Serving

Green Bean Soup 绿豆汤

RM 3.30 / Serving

Sweet Potato 番薯汤

RM 3.30 / Serving

Black Glutinous 黑糯米

RM 3.30 / Serving

Oat Meal 大麦粥

RM 3.30 / Serving

Gingko Barley 腐竹白果薏米

RM 3.80 / Serving

Cheng Teng 六味清汤

RM 3.80 / Serving

Momo Chacha 摩摩喳喳

RM 3.80 / Serving

Mung Bean 豆宣

RM 3.80 / Serving

Honeydew Sago 蜜瓜西米露

RM 5.00 / Serving

Channel Island 香奈冰岛

RM 5.00 / Serving

Red Jelly 红菜燕

RM 2.00 / Serving

Coconut Jelly 椰子菜燕

RM 2.50 / Serving

Ice Jelly 爱玉冰

RM 4.00 / Serving

Herbal Jelly 龟灵膏

RM 4.00 / Serving

Bean Curd Jelly 冷豆花

RM 4.00 / Serving

Ba Bao Liang Cha 八宝凉茶

RM 3.00 / Bottle

Sugar Cane 马蹄竹蔗

RM 3.00 / Bottle

Soy Milk 豆奶

RM 3.00 / Bottle

Ginseng Chrysanthemum 洋参菊花

RM 3.00 / Bottle

Hawthorn 山楂杞子

RM 3.00 / Bottle

Festival Kueh 节日糕点

  • All 全部
  • Vege 素食
  • Non-Vege 非素食

Yam 芋头糕

2 Days Preorder Required 需要提前两天预订

RM 14.00 /

Kee Kueh 碱水糕

仅限每逢星期六 only available on Sunday

RM 8.00 /

Cake 鸡蛋糕

3 Days Preorder Required 需要提前三天预订

RM 7.80 /

Terms & Condition(條件)

If the booking time is less than 24 hours, the merchant cannot guarantee the integrity of the order and will replace it with an item of the same price. Dear customer, you are advised to book in advance.

(若预订时间少于 24 小时,商家无法保证订单的完整性,并将以相同价格的商品替换。亲爱的客户,请提前预订。)