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Remark 备注
若预订时间少于 24 小时,商家无法保证订单的完整性,并将以相同价格的商品替换。亲爱的客户,请提前预订。

If the booking time is less than 24 hours, the merchant cannot guarantee the integrity of the order and will replace it with an item of the same price. Dear customer, you are advised to book in advance.

Subtotal 总数 : RM 0.00

About Us 关于我们

Min Corner is an authentic Teochew Kueh shop that has been founded since 1977. At first, Min Corner’s business location was located at Batu 8 ½ of Skudai and behind the school SJK (C) Kuo Kuang. In 2000, we moved to our current location – Taman Ungku Tun Aminah of Skudai. Our Teochew Kueh recipes are passed down from our grandparents, and now the business is run and managed by a third generation of the family members. That is why our Teoh Chew Kuih still can retain the authentic taste and flavor.

民糕点是一家成立于1977年的正宗的潮州糕点专卖店。民糕点最初的营业地点是在士姑来八里半,位于国光小学后方。在2000年,我们搬到了现在的地点 - 士姑来皇后。我们的潮州糕点食谱是从我们的祖父母那里传承下来,现在的民糕点已经又第三代家族成员管理经营。这就是为什么我们的潮州糕点仍然能保留地道味道和风味。

Min Corner, belonging to the Johor people’s traditional taste

  • Over 40 years, insist on hand made
  • Inheriting the past method
  • No preservatives

  • Highly recommended

    “Tor Kuih” is a peach-shaped traditional kuih. Take the first bite and you can instantly taste the umami flavour of dried shrimps. Pair with other ingredients such as glutinous rice and peanuts. It will give you a memorable taste.



  • 40多年,坚持手工制作
  • 遵循古法,真材实料
  • 无添加防腐剂

  • 重点推荐

    “潮州粿”的用料十足,咬下去的第一口,虾米香扑鼻而来。搭配着其他材料,如糯米和花生,咸香可口,包你吃了一口还想再吃! 天天新鲜出炉,浓浓的古早味,给最亲爱的你你你.......最单纯的幸福。

Terms & Condition(條件)

If the booking time is less than 24 hours, the merchant cannot guarantee the integrity of the order and will replace it with an item of the same price. Dear customer, you are advised to book in advance.

(若预订时间少于 24 小时,商家无法保证订单的完整性,并将以相同价格的商品替换。亲爱的客户,请提前预订。)