Product 产品 Amount 合计

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若预订时间少于 24 小时,商家无法保证订单的完整性,并将以相同价格的商品替换。亲爱的客户,请提前预订。

If the booking time is less than 24 hours, the merchant cannot guarantee the integrity of the order and will replace it with an item of the same price. Dear customer, you are advised to book in advance.

Subtotal 总数 : RM 0.00
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Terms & Condition(條件)

If the booking time is less than 24 hours, the merchant cannot guarantee the integrity of the order and will replace it with an item of the same price. Dear customer, you are advised to book in advance.

(若预订时间少于 24 小时,商家无法保证订单的完整性,并将以相同价格的商品替换。亲爱的客户,请提前预订。)